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来源:https://www.cnzkjf.com/ 日期:2020-05-13
  Small concrete mixer is mainly driven by manpower. Concrete is carried by hand. When operating the mixer, the steering wheel is necessary because it often turns on the road. After changing the shape and direction of the mixer, the steering wheel shall be straightened in time to ensure driving safety. How to judge whether the steering wheel of agitator is straight?
  1. Look at the signs on the steering wheel. Every small concrete mixer has its own brand enterprise. The sign of the enterprise is the steering wheel. If we don't remember it, we can judge that according to the signs on the steering wheel, the signs are the opposite. We should come back if there are some deviations that haven't been corrected.
  2. Be sure to remember how far you hit the steering wheel, how far you hit it, and how far you hit it back. If you're not sure if your car's steering wheel is facing the rear, you can hit it to the bottom first.
  3. Drive your car forward for a short distance to see if the small concrete mixer runs in a straight line.
  For the sake of safety, the driver of the small concrete mixer must be an experienced driver who can successfully transport the concrete to the destination. During transportation, concrete mixing cannot be stopped. Once the steering wheel is used, it is too dangerous to continue turning.