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来源:https://www.cnzkjf.com/ 日期:2020-05-21
  Because this thing needs concrete mixing every moment, or it will dry immediately, so it is appropriate to use a small concrete mixer to carry it with delivery time. In the car, it is usually very important to touch the ground tire. New tire and tire innovation are usually significantly different. Here we will teach us how to determine tire innovation.
  1. 看看。经过小混炼轮胎的色泽,新轮胎的胎面为蓝色,颜色自然。
  1. Have a look. After the color of the small mixing tire, the tread of the new tire is blue and the color is natural.
  2. Two connections. By pressing your fingers on the surface of the tire, you won't leave fingerprints on the tread of the new tire in the small blender.
  Three. Pull the rubber nails and wear marks on the tire tread of small concrete mixer by hand. If it's not easy to tear it off, it's usually a new tire.
  Four, four strokes. Tread the tire tread a little with a hard object. The new tire will not leave scratches.
  The surface of new tires and innovative tires is basically invisible, but the discrimination of sudden use can be followed in the selection of tires for small concrete mixing truck to avoid the purchase of innovative tires.
  Why do small concrete mixers roll on the road?
  1. 为了获得具体的比例和质量和减少建筑工地的占领,改善房子的施工进度,缩短施工周期,高层建筑的建设已经从更初的建筑工地一个更的混凝土公司生产分销系统;
  1. In order to obtain the specific proportion and quality, reduce the occupation of the construction site, improve the construction progress of the house, and shorten the construction period, the construction of high-rise buildings has been from the original construction site to a higher professional concrete company specialized production and distribution system;
  2. 混凝土公司的小型混凝土搅拌车装车后,与施工现场运输距离较长。为防止混凝土在运输过程中结块,在混凝土制造配方中加入一定量的缓凝剂;
  2. After loading, the small concrete mixer truck of the concrete company has a long transportation distance with the construction site. In order to prevent concrete from caking during transportation, a certain amount of retarder is added to the concrete manufacturing formula;
  3. If the small concrete mixer does not mix, in the process of transportation, the stone will sink in the bottom of the concrete, the middle layer is sand, and the upper layer is cement slurry. If the stone is washed to the website, it will be agglomerated. Therefore, rolling in the process of transportation can prevent the concrete from bonding, prevent the concrete layer, and make the concrete mix more evenly.
  It is not difficult to see the specific functions. Through the small concrete mixer, it is basically the same, nothing to do, and almost never spoiled. It is basically the function of the mixer. Rolling on the road is to make the concrete adhere to its function.