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来源:https://www.cnzkjf.com/ 日期:2022-05-16
Treatment of excessive water temperature in the engine of automatic feeding mixer
Automatic feeding mixer is a special operation vehicle. It has a specific working environment, and the engine water temperature will inevitably be too high. Whenever this happens, it will have a certain impact on the equipment. So what should we do if the water temperature is too high? Next, Xiaobian will tell you.
1. If the engine of the automatic loading mixer truck overheats on the ordinary highway, you should reduce the speed as soon as possible, drive the car to the shade of trees or to a relatively cool place, and stop the car, but don't be in a hurry to stop at this time.
2. Open the engine hood, let the engine run at idle speed, and wait for the engine temperature to gradually return to normal. After the engine water temperature returns to normal, turn off the engine. Then wait for a period of time until the water temperature of the engine drops sufficiently, and then check the cooling water volume of the engine.
3. At this time, the cooling water of the automatic feeding mixer engine may be seriously insufficient. After replenishing the cooling water according to the specified amount, check the cooling system. After confirming that there are no other faults, start the engine and continue driving. Also check whether the shutter of the water tank is blocked by foreign matters, the working condition of the fan blade, whether the engine belt slips, the working condition of the engine water pump, etc.
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